材料 Ingredients:
200g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
40g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
260ml 清水(80ml热水 + 180ml清水)Plain Water (80ml hot water + 180ml plain water)
3/8tsp 盐 Salt
200g 亚答糖 Gula Apong
做法 Method:
1. 将热水加入亚答糖,搅拌直糖完全融化。倒入清水,备用。
Mix gula apong and hot water, stir until all the sugar dissolved. Pour in plain water, place aside.
2. 普通面粉和粘米粉过筛,加入盐,混合均匀。
Sifted plain flour and rice flour, add in salt, mix well.
3. 加入做法1的糖水,拌匀。
Add in the syrup in method 1, stir well.
4. 面糊过筛,静置至少30分钟。
Strain the batter, left aside for at least 30 minutes.
5. 将小火将油烧热,在锅中间倒入一小勺面糊,。待面糊成型